Cajeput Oil (Melaleuca leucadendron):
Cajeput oil is extracted from Melaleuca cajeputi of the Myrtaceae family and is also known as white wood, weeping tea tree, and weeping paperback. The oil helps to balance the mind by clearing thoughts, stimulating the mind and dispelling the feeling of sluggishness. Cajuput Pure Essential Oil is widely known for its antiseptic properties and are used for treatment of disorders in respiratory tract and the urinary system.
Botanical Name - Melaleuca leucadendron
Plant Family - Myrtacae
Origin - India
Grade - Therapeutic
Parts Used - Leaves and Twigs
Extraction - Steam Distillation
Fragrance - High pitch and sweet aroma with herbaceous undertones
Used As - Burners and Vaporizers, Massage Oil, Blended Cream and more.
Mixes well with - Angelica, Bergamot, Birch, Cardamom, Clove, Geranium, Immortelle, Lavender, Myrtle, Niouli, Nutmeg, Rose, Rosewood, Thyme.