Caraway Oil (Carum Carvi):
Caraway is a biennial herb that originated from Asia Minor but is now cultivated in Northern Europe, Africa and Russia. It grows up to 60cm (2 feet) and has soft fern-like leaves, umbels of white/pink flowers and small brown fruit.
- Botanical Name - Carum Carvi
- Grade - Cosmetic
- Color and Appearance - Light yellow mobile liquid
- Odor - Sweet spicy odor with peppery smell
- Odour Strength - Medium
- Application - Caraway oil is used primarily in flavors. It is used in mouth wash Or gargle preparations, toothpaste,candy, as a masking agent In bad tasting pharmaceutical prepartations.
- Blends well with - Basil,Chamomile, Coriander, Frankincense, ginger, lavender and Orange
- Industrial destination - Fragrance, Flavour, Pharmaceutical, Food and Cosmetic Industry
- Country of Origin - India
- Main ingredients - Cumuninic Aldehyde,Furfurol,Acetaldehyde,Carvone , Limonene