Valerian Oil (Valeriana Officinalis): (Also known as Sugandha Bala / Bala Oil
Valerian is a tallish plant with clusters of pink, less common white flowers. A perennial grows to 4-5 feet. Leaves strongly divided, pinnate with lance-shaped leaflets; lower ones toothed. Tiny pale pink to whitish, tubular flowers, grow in three-forked terminal heads in tight clusters, each flower has a small in rolled calyx at the base in a fruits form, calyces become feathery parachutes. Blooms from June till July.
- Synonym Referance - Valerian oil, Sugandha Bala oil, Bala Oil.
- Botanical Name - Valeriana Officinalis
- Part Part - Root
- Origin Place - Nepal
- Color tone - Brownish
- Grade - Therapeutic
- Method of Extraction - Steam Distillation
- Blending Property - Patchouli, oakmoss, pine, lavender, cedarwood, mandarin, petitgrain and rosemary.
- Health Benefits - Valerian Root Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils